School Fees
There are five types of fees at St Joseph's
School Fees
School Fees are charged per family, per year.
In 2025, the fee will be $890 per family.
Accounts are sent out monthly.
Fees may be paid yearly, half yearly, termly, fortnightly or weekly.
Fees can be direct debited out of your bank account.
Capital Levy
A Capital Levy has been set at $120 per family for capital expenditure.
Book Levy
The Book Levy is a one off payment which is due at the beginning of the school year. This fee is $210 per child and it covers all the expenses associated with your child’s classroom programme including all classroom materials your child will use during the school year, art supplies and sports equipment, school performances, maintenance of our school library (new books), computer software and associated licenses and any other school costs that arise
Excursion Levy
The excursion levy of $100 per child (P/1/2) or $125 per child (Grds 3/4/5/6). This covers the cost of day excursions, 3/4/5/6 school camp, incursions and costs for sports days etc.
Technology Levy
The technology levy of $100 per child. This covers the use of an iPad in the classroom and all other technology costs in grades prep/1/2 and the $100 in Grade 3/4/5 goes to the cost of the students owning their own individual iPads. These iPads become the responsibility of the individual student/parent from the beginning of Grade 3.
Maintenance Levy
A levy has been set at $30.00 per term ($120.00 per year), per family
If difficulties arise, please see the Principal. We welcome all students and their families who share or respect our Catholic faith, values and traditions. Catholic education is supported by State and Federal funding, with families contributing the balance of the cost of educating their children. At times, some families are unable to meet their commitment to the full costs of education. As a Catholic school system, we ensure fee relief mechanisms are available to support families in time of need. We encourage these discussions on enrolment or as these needs emerge.”
Government Assistance
Conveyance Allowance
A conveyance allowance is a grant to students who reside more than 5kms from a free transport service to the school attended, providing that the school attended is the nearest school.
Camps Sports and Excursions Fund
This Fund has been set up by the Federal Government to assist families on lower incomes (Health Care Card/ Pension Card holders.) It is $154 per year per primary school child. This money is debited straight off the excursion levy.
DOBCEL Family Assistance Scheme
In all Ballarat Diocesan Catholic Primary Schools, tuition fee discounts are available to families eligible for a means tested Health Care Card, Centrelink Pensioner Concession Card or Veteran Affairs Pensioner Card. The scheme offers tuition fee discounts to both Catholic and non-Catholic families, to new and current students. Although a family may be eligible to receive a fee discount, families may choose not to apply for the fee discount and pay the full school fee.
The Family Fee Assistance Scheme will be implemented across all Ballarat Diocesan Catholic Primary Schools. Families that qualify for the scheme will pay $520 per annum ($10 per week) for primary school tuition fees.
The discounted fee covers tuition and capital fees only. It does not cover additional charges such as camps, book hire, subject levies; however, parents may approach the principal as it may be possible to have these additional charges discounted. If you are receiving the Family Fee Assistance tuition fee discount, your child will be able to take part in school activities, trips and excursions, however, you may be required to pay for activities which require additional payment.
To access this scheme you will need to go through the school’s normal enrolment procedures in order to gain a place for your child at the school. Once a position had been confirmed, you will be informed that Family Fee discounts are available; and to gain access to the discount, parents or guardians will need to show a valid card and complete a simple application form.
It is expected the Scheme will continue to operate for the length of the child’s enrolment at the school whilst a family is eligible for the Health Care Card, Centrelink Pensioner Concession Card or Veteran Affairs Pensioner Card.