Term 4 Week 5
Principal's Report
Hello parents and friends of St Joseph's School.
I would like to congratulate Mary Hogan on becoming the new Principal of St Joseph's. Our school community is indeed very lucky to have a person of Mary's capabilities to become our new principal. I wish her well and I will give her every bit of support I possibly can.
We have picked up a new family from Melton, Jarrod, Irene, Macey and Sam Revell. Macey is in Grade 1 and will start next week and Sam will start next year. We welcome the girls and their parents to St Joseph's.
The children have started practising their items for Carols by Candlelight which will be held at the REX theatre on Sunday 11th December. Graduation will be on Tuesday 13th December at 6:00p.m.
Carols By Candlelight. Carols by Candlelight will be held on Sunday 11th December at the Rex Theatre. Time to be confirmed at a leter date.
Graduation. The Graduation Mass will be held on Tuesday 13th December at 6:00p.m. Followed by a BBQ in the quadrangle. BYO drinks.
Lions Eye Checks. The Lions club will be here next Thursday 10th November to complete the eye checks on those children who have parental permission. If you would like your children to have their eyes checked, please complete a form at the office. (Not recommended for children who are already under the care of an optometrist.)
Prep/1/2 Class News
A short week in the junior room, but we’ve kept busy and the students have continued working hard on their learning goals. We’ve been blessed to have a student teacher in our classroom for the last week, Ms. Lara Thompson who is a Charlton local and is studying her teaching degree at ACU. We’re pleased to have Lara working with us in the classroom and the students have connected really well with her during our day to day routines. Welcome!
This week we continue working on narratives in reading, focusing on the characters in our texts and the lead up to the ‘main event’ in the stories we read. The students have learnt that characters need to be developed, described and a series of things should happen that involve the characters, so that we get to know what they are like before the ‘main event’ or ‘the problem’ takes place. The main character in our weekly reading is a king who keeps encountering problems as he tries to get back into his castle.
In Maths, we continue working on measurement with a focus on length and area. The students have been learning about measuring length with informal and formal methods and have practiced doing this in class in a hands-on and engaging way. We’ve also been consolidating our addition skills, with the students revisiting strategies to use when adding and counting on. It’s been great to see that the development of these skills has improved quite positively since the beginning of the year. Well done everyone!
In Art this week, we’re starting a sculpture project using the traditional method of papier mache to create a bowl. The students will be learning about the history of this method and how artists over time have used papier mache to create many different art forms. It will be interesting to see how the students find this messy, hands-on experience, but more importantly, that the students enjoy the process of designing, working on, creating and then decorating their 3D art piece whilst learning a specific art skill. In P.E, we’re continuing to work on our cricket game skills with the students practicing the technique of bowling correctly and aiming for the wickets this week. The students have enjoyed the gameplay with the older students and being able to compete in a fun and relaxed way. Great work everyone!

3/4/5/6 Class News
Literacy: The class shared reading text for this week is an article from the website Hallozween for Halloween lovers in Australia. about the History of Halloween in Australia. The students will be writing a scary story about Halloween.
We are completing Homework Contract Thirty One this week and no spelling words.
Religion: As a class we are studying Origins and looking at the origin of Halloween and the history of some of the many Saints of the Catholic Christian faith.
Numeracy: In mathematics this week the class are working on improving their knowledge of Two Dimensional and Three Dimensional shapes
Art: This week in Art the class is finishing off their magazine Bird Houses. This required some construction of Two Dimensional shapes.

Lara Thompson Bio

Mick and Paddy are walking along when Paddy falls down a manhole.
Mick shouts down: “What shall I do?”
Paddy barks back: “Call me an ambulance!”
Mick then jumps up and down screaming: “Paddy is an ambulance, Paddy is an ambulance.”