Term 3 Week 4 2022
Principal's Report
Hello parents and friends of St Joseph's. As we come to the end of week 4, the term is getting away. Our progress with getting tarps and bark chips is well underway in our community garden. We have a little bit more to do. A big thanks to Bianca for her hardwork, organisation and perseverance getting everything done. We are very appreciative of the help of the VET students spreading the bark.
We have Kim Hawkes here today working with Jason on the Religious education planning and curriculum work.
Frank will be in Horsham at a Principals meeting Wednesday afternoon, Thursday and Friday this week.
School Camp 2022.
The 3456 camp for 2022 is scheduled for the last week of term 3, Tuesday, September 13th through to Thursday September 15th, so not far away.
Students will be travelling both to and from camp with the school. Students will be able to do: horse riding, bushwalks, archery, orienteering, and more. Permission forms will be distributed soon so we can finalise numbers for transport and accommodation.
Students will need to supply their own WARM sleeping bag and pillow. Additional requirement lists will be distributed once numbers are finalised.
Please search: Boomerang Holiday Ranch Daylesford.
Principal Survey. Please complete the survey by Friday this week. If anyone needs the link sent through again, please notify Cate.
Safeguarding Children & Young People Code of Conduct. A copy of the Code of Conduct was sent home last week for parents to read and sign. Please return signed copy to school as soon as possible.
Come and Try Morning. Next Thursday 11th August we are having a 'Come and Try' day at St Joes for the 2023 foundation students.
Badminton Tournament. Badminton students will leave after school on Wednesday 17th August and return approx 6:00p.m. on the 18th.
Book Week Dress Up Day. Book Week Dress Up day will be on Wednesday 24th August.
Calder Sports. Thursday 25th August. Helpers are needed for hurdles. Please let Cate know if you will be available to help on the day.
Prep/1/2 Class News
It’s been another busy week in the junior classroom with the students continuing to work hard on their learning goals. This week we’ve been learning about the process of how bread is made and the steps it takes to get it from the farm (grain), to the mill (flour) and eventually to the shops (bread). The students have enjoyed working each week on their Oral language skills by breaking words apart into chunks, sounding out the different phonemes in each word, exploring rhymes and syllables and unpacking new vocabulary by exploring definitions, synonyms and antonyms. Our shared reading sessions each day utilise strategies for decoding, verbalising and reading words that the students aren’t necessarily familiar with but allow them to gain a broader understanding of what they’ve read and the way words and sentences are constructed. On Friday we will be making bread rolls by following the procedural text shown in our reading this week which will allow the students to put everything they’ve learnt into practice.
In Religion this week we’ve continued to explore what it means to be kind. The students have explored what it sounds like, looks like and feels like to have kindness in your heart and to share kindness with others. This week we’ve begun to explore how we can be kind to our environment with a look at a popular kids book ‘The Lorax’. The students are enjoying our unit and are looking forward to making changes in their actions to be kinder to the people and the world around them - which ultimately God has given us the responsibility to care for and look after. In music this week, the students are becoming more confident with how to hold their recorders, they have been practising the four notes we’ve learnt so far and are working on following a consistent beat and blowing on the instrument with just the right amount of breath. The students have really enjoyed learning the basics of recorder and we look forward to putting some performances together to share with you all down the track. In Art, the students have finished making their popsicle stick boxes and this week decorated with paint and bits and pieces to finish them off. We will be learning how to create and draw a ‘self-portrait’ in the coming weeks as well as finishing off some creative pieces of artwork for the upcoming Charlton Art Show.
3/4/5/6 Class News
Continuing with our farm safety theme this week, students have been reading and learning about tractor and machinery safety. What potential hazards there are and ways to reduce the risk of injury. Students are consolidating reading skills of fluency and accuracy through use of punctuation and implementing strategies to read unfamiliar words when reading. Students are working on consolidating their knowledge of farm safety through a writing assessment task where they will need to plan, script, produce and edit a short video advocating for farm safety in pairs.
In Maths this week students are working on their understanding of money. Year 3 students are working on understanding dollars and cents, writing monetary values and calculating values in different ways using notes and coins. Year 4 are working on rounding money to the nearest five cents and completing addition sums with money written in decimal form. Year 5 are working on financial plans and budgets. Year 6 are working on calculating percentages and discounts for fictional large purchases.
In Science we are learning about life cycles, food chains and food webs of animals in a variety of environments.
Contract 22 homework and spelling is due this week.
Community News
Paddy is ploughing his field with a steamroller.
Seamus says, “Paddy, you don’t plough a field with a steamroller!!”
Paddy says, “I’m growing mashed potatoes!”