Term 2 Week 5 2022
Principal's Report
Hello St Joe's Families,
On Saturday morning, May 21st we had the tree loppers here to cut down trees that were too close to where our new outdoor area is going and they also cut down trees that were declining in health and becoming a safety risk. We took some photos for you to have a look at. It has opened up the appearance of the area. They say teachers never stop learning; two big trunks were very hard to cut because they had both been hit by lightening. The lightening kills the oxygen in the wood and it becomes like concrete which is hard to cut with a chainsaw. In the next school holidays we will dig down and take out the roots and clean the site up.
Tomorrow our grade three, four, five & six children venture to Boort to participate in the Winter Sports Carnival. It is always a good day and the children enjoy playing their chosen sports and making new friends. A big thanks to Jake and Naomi for their willingness to volunteer and help out for the day.
Last weekend at Sunday Mass, Ruby, Mia and Tessa Wright were Baptised into the Catholic Family. So we say, well done and welcome to the three girls. Today we complete all our preparation for our Five Year School Review. I think we are in pretty good shape so lets hope all goes well and we have a good plan to go forward with educating our children as best we can.
We welcome back Bern Prestwood, to fill in a couple of days a week to keep on top of the Finance and Administration. Bern used to work here, Donald and St Arnaud as the School Business Manager. We are lucky to have her back. Mrs Olive is doing well on leave, which is good to hear.
Winter Sports. The Winter Sports will be held in Boort on the 27th May. (Back-up date 3rd June). for the Grades 3/4/5/6 students. We have arranged to catch the bus to Boort with Charlton College. Depending on the number of absentees on the day, we may have to take 1 car as well. The children have selected their sport preferences and the draws should be out soon. The children will need to bring their lunch, a hat, a drinker and whatever equipment they need for their chosen sport. ie minkey will need their hockey sticks, a mouthguard and shin guards if they normally wear them. Football will just need their footy boots and soccer, shin guards if you can find some. (Ask a hockey player for a lend) We will send home car permission notes in case we need to take a car but with absentee numbers the way they are at the moment, it is unlikely the car will be needed.
Prep/1/2 Class News
This is our last week on our text ‘The Frog Prince’. We are working on using punctuation when we read to help with fluency, discussing characters and settings in the story and looking at interesting vocabulary words found in the text such as ‘permission’. We have been revising our understanding of nouns, verbs and adjectives found in the text and suggesting alternative words that could be used.In our writing this week we have been looking at other fairy tales that we know, focusing on Hansel and Gretel. We have orally retold the story and have explored alternative storylines, such as what would happen if there was no witch in the story. Year 1 and Year 2 students have been working on writing using the narrative writing structure and incorporating adjectives and high level nouns and verbs in their stories. Foundation students have worked on telling short stories based on the same theme as the older students. They have been using ‘once upon a time’ to begin their stories and ‘lived happily ever after’ to complete them. They have also been using different nouns and verbs in their stories with teacher support.
In Maths we are continuing to work on our understanding of money. We are working on identifying notes and coins of Australian currency and using these to make simple transactions using whole dollars in Foundation and dollars and cents in Year 1 and Year 2. We are discussing the different values that the money has and using coins and notes to make up different values, such as one $5 note, two $2 coins and one $1 coin make up $10.
This week in Art we have been using stencils and positive and negative space to create an artwork using shapes such as circles, love hearts and animals.
Homework Contract 14 due this week.
3/4/5/6 Class News
Literacy: As a class the Students are writing a narrative story and when they edit their work they are making sure their introduction has all that is required. WHO? WHEN? WHERE? Adjectives for description and connectives.
Can everyone please make sure they have their reader diaries and ipads with an adequately charged battery at school. Thank you.
Can everyone please make sure that they have google classroom downloaded onto their ipad.
We are completing Homework Contract Fourteen this week learning our 10 spelling words and studying our Four Times Tables.
Religion: We are reflecting on the following Bible passages.
1 Corinthians 12:12-31 One Body with Many Members
Acts 2:1-13 Pentecost
Acts 2:43-47 Early Church
Micah 6:8 - “ what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”
Numeracy: In mathematics this week we are continuing to practice our times tables playing Hit the Button and committing to memory the Math Formulas for Perimeter, Area and Volume.
Art: In art the students are continuing to explore their ipad camera. They are taking photos to draw and create artworks. Could all students remember to download the Pic Collage App onto their ipad please.
Gardening: Students can start to bring their gardening shoes to school.
Catholic Education Week Celebrations
I had fun because after mass we went to set the African drumming. Then at St Patrick’s we got some sausages and got to play footy.
By Brody
I enjoyed playing in the tree house.
By Madelyn
Today we went to St Arnaud for Catholic Education Week. I liked African drumming.
By Archer
I liked African drumming. I liked the food and I liked playing with my friend’s. I liked the mass.
By Maddie L
I liked the African drumming because I got to go up there to have a go at drumming.
By Flynn
I liked the school.
By Mia
I liked playing with Patrick and Dash.
By Patrick
I liked watching African drumming and dancing. I also liked watching Aladdin in the car.
By Lila S
I liked the bus ride.
By Isaac
I liked African drumming. I liked the sausages and playing with my friends. I also liked the car ride. By Lila L
I liked St. Arnaud because I liked playing footy with them. It was good because it was also a close match. I also loved the sausages we ate. The African drumming was really cool because they were always in sync.
By Liam
Today we went to the African drumming in St. Arnaud. I liked it because we got to learn different words like langwij.
By Finn
At St. Patrick’s Primary in St. Arnaud went over there for Catholic Education. I liked listening and attempting the African drumming and playing footy with my mates.
By Murphy
I liked the African drumming.
By Willow
I liked making new friends. I had fun because I got to play with Maya, a girl from my dance class. I made friends with a girl called Maddie who was Maya’s friend.
By Ruby
Today we went to St. Arnaud for mass and I was the one to carry the banner too. It was to represent St. Joseph’s. I liked the African drumming.
By Cooper
I had fun, I met new friends. We had sausages, it was cool. I also liked the African drumming, it was awesome.
By Megg
The best thing about Catholic Education was the sausages by far. I may have been a bit greedy because I had 4…. Who could blame me? They were delicious.
By Darcy
Today we went to St. Arnaud for catholic education week. My favourite part was playing football, St.Joseph and St.Mary’s vs St.Patrick’s. At the end it was very tight but we won.
By Henry
I played with my friend Toby.
By Vinny
I played football after lunch.
By Charlie
I enjoyed the African drumming and playing with other kids.
By Dash
I had lots of fun today because …
I got to play with all my friends
I got to see African drummers
Having a nice lunch in a different school
Going to the mass
Dancing with the African drummers music
Watching my friends playing the drums
By Rosie
Winter Sports Teams & Draws
Community News
An Irishman backpacker went into an Australian post office to see if there were any letters for him. “I’ll see, sir,” said the clerk. “What’s your name?”
“You’re having me on now because I’m Irish,” said the Irishman.
“Won’t you see the name on the envelope?”