Term 2 Week 4 2022
Principal's Report
Hello parents, staff and friends of St Joseph's. The fourth week is nearly over already. Where does the time go?! Mrs. Olive will be away from school until the end of the term. She is on leave and we hope she has a good break and we look forward to seeing her back next term.
The Charlton College have informed us that there will be NO buses running on the following dates; Wednesday the 25th of May and Friday the 10th of June. Please make neccessary arrangements.
Last week our Grade 3 and 5 students participated in NAPLAN testing. We hope all went well and continue to maintain our high standards like in past years. Thanks Cate for her invaluable work with the program.
Frank will be in Horsham today and tomorrow attending a Diocesan Principals' Meeting.
At the moment our children are preparing for the Winter Sports which are to be held on Friday the 27th of May.
We are now in for cold weather during the upcoming winter months. Please make sure your children are wearing jumpers in the mornings, beanies and coats if needed.
It is a great help to your child's education if you can hear them read for 5 or 10 minutes a night while getting tea ready. It will make a tremendous difference to you child's education.
Winter Sports. The Winter Sports will be held in Boort on the 27th May. (Back-up date 3rd June). for the Grades 3/4/5/6 students. We have arranged to catch the bus to Boort with Charlton College. Depending on the number of absentees on the day, we may have to take 1 car as well. The children have selected their sport preferences and the drawers should be out soon. The children will need to bring their lunch, a hat, a drinker and whatever equipment they need for their chosen sport. ie minkey will need their hockey sticks, a mouthguard and shin guards if they normally wear them. Football will just need their footy boots and soccer, shin guards if you can find some. (Ask a hockey player for a lend) We will send home car permission notes in case we need to take a car but with absentee numbers the way they are at the moment, it is unlikely the car will be needed.
Prep/1/2 Class News
Our exploration of the text 'The Frog Prince' continues this week. We are discussing the adjectives used in the story and continuing to explore our understanding of adjectives in our writing. Students have worked on structure in their creative stories using a narrative writing planner with the teacher. Students have written a story on how the Frog Prince came to be cursed and are continuing to work on incorporating quality adjectives in their stories. Foundation students are working on writing compound sentences about the Frog Prince and the witch. They are continuing to gain independence in their writing and using known sounds, letter patterns and known words to construct their short stories.
This week in Maths we have started a new unit on money. Students have explored Australian currency in the form of notes and coins through samples of play money, pictures and real world examples. Students have had an opportunity to look closely at and feel the coins, discussing similarities and differences that they notice. We've discussed the aspects of money that allows all people to use it, such as size, shape and milled patterns for those that are visually challenged. We have explored using money to make simple purchases through games of 'shops' as a class with a brief focus on change from simple transactions using whole dollars.
This week we have celebrated Catholic Education Week with St Patrick's and St Mary's Primary schools from St Arnaud and Donald. Students had a wonderful time participating in the Mass, the entertainment of African drumming and spending time with friends in other towns.
Contact 13 of the homework book is due this week.
3/4/5/6 Class News
Literacy: As a class the Students are writing a narrative story and when they edit their work they are adding in five descriptive adjectives and counting their use of complex punctuation.
Can everyone please make sure they have their reader diaries and ipads with an adequately charged battery at school. Thank you.
We are completing Homework Contract Thirteen this week learning our 10 spelling words and studying our Twelve Times Tables.
Religion: We are reflecting on these questions.
How are people of faith different from just being a good person?
What are the qualities Jesus taught us about when he told the Good Samaritan Parable?
Numeracy: In mathematics this week we are practicing our times tables playing Hit the Button and committing to memory the Math Formulas for Perimeter, Area and Volume. Could all students remember to download the Sumdog App onto their ipad please.
Art: In art the students are exploring their ipad camera. They are taking photos to draw and create artworks. Could all students remember to download the Pic Collage App onto their ipad please.
Gardening: Students can start to bring their gardening shoes to school.
Community News
O’Malley is leaving his favourite bar when he is run over by a bus. He gets to the gates of heaven and St Peter tells him he cannot enter unless he passes a test. O’Malley agrees to try as he never was the brightest bulb in the box.
St Peter decides to go easy on him. “What has five fingers and is made of black leather?” he asks.
O’Malley scratches his head, thinks hard and finally gives up.
“It’s a glove,” says St Peter. “Let’s try again. What has 10 fingers and is made of black leather?”
O’Malley is clearly stumped. After a few minutes of pacing in a circle and scratching his head, he gives up.
“Why, it’s TWO gloves – don’t you see? Ten fingers, black leather?” says St. Peter, amazed.
Being in a generous mood, St Peter decides to give O’Malley one final chance and thinks of an even easier question.
“Okay. Who is the patron saint of Ireland?” he asks, thinking surely O’Malley can’t miss this.
“It wouldn’t be three gloves, would it?” says O’Malley.