Term 2 Week 3 2022
Principal's Report
Hello everybody. Next week we are travelling by bus to St Patrick's St Arnaud to celebrate the joys of Catholic Education, for Mass, shared lunch and entertainment for the children.
In some short time in the future, arborists will be coming and taking down some trees that have been inspected and deemed dangerous and need to be removed. Some of these are near where our new shelter is going to be built and around the playground area. Some other trees will be given a quick tidy up.
At the beginning of July, new Child Safe standards will be introduced to all Victorian Schools so we will be completing the action list on each standard. Of course at the end of the day it is to ensure all stake holders, especially our children are safe at all times.
We have been upgrading our school maintenance program and we will be implementing this as soon as we have completed all the necessary tasks.
It was fantastic to see so many mums and grandmas at our Mothers Day Mass, it was a beautiful and quick celebration in the church followed by a cuppa and catch up afterwards.
NAPLAN has taken place on Tuesday and Wednesday this week for Grades 3 and 5. We hope the children have faired well.
Cate will be on leave for the rest of this term. We have Bern Prestwood coming back to help us out on Tuesday's and Wednesday's for the next 6 weeks.
With the mornings becoming cooler, please make sure the children are wearing jumpers to school and last but not least, please try and hear your child read at home. It will make a considerable difference. It is only 5 to 10 mins out of your day and you can be multi-tasking while you do it.
Catholic Education Day. This year Catholic Education Day will be in St Arnaud on Wednesday 18th May. The children will be bused to St Arnaud for Mass at 10:00a.m., a BBQ lunch will follow Mass and then there will be an African Drum Show before the children return to school at 2:oop.m.
Prep/1/2 Class News
This week we are still continuing our exploration and discussion of ‘The Frog Prince’ story. We are looking at the vocabulary in the story, including definitions of these words and associated synonyms and antonyms. We have discussed the behaviour of the princess and discussed why she may have acted like that and whether students agreed with her actions. Students have been retelling the story and have had an opportunity to rewrite the Frog Prince story in their own words with a focus on correct grammar, punctuation, spelling and story sequence for Year 1 and 2 students. Foundation students focused on creating sentences orally and then writing these to their best ability. Foundation students worked with teacher on the pronunciation and spelling of technical words, such as; princess, castle, Frog Prince and garden.
In Maths this week we are revising our understanding of subtraction. Foundation students are focusing on subtraction with numbers from 0-20 with and without materials such as pictures and counters. We are working on counting back from the larger number. Year 1 students are consolidating their understanding of subtracting 10 from 2-3 digit numbers and using their ‘friends of ten’ knowledge to split numbers (partitioning) to complete subtraction sums. Year 2 students are working on subtracting with 3 digit numbers with and without borrowing and revising strategies such as the jump strategy.
In Religion we have been exploring the idea of love. We are focused this week on ‘unconditional love’, including what this means, what it may look like, sound like and feel like. Students have created an artwork in Art this week on the topic.
Contract 12 in homework is due this Friday.
3/4/5/6 Class News
Literacy: As a class the Students are looking at the skills involved with writing a narrative. The Students have written an imaginative story called Imagine. They have had great fun sharing their stories with each other.
Can everyone please make sure they have their reader diaries at school.
We are completing Homework Contract Twelve this week learning our 10 spelling words and studying our Three Times Tables.
Religion: We are reflecting on these questions.
Have you ever been in a situation when you really needed someone's help?
What do you remember of the Bible passage the Good Samaritan?
What sort of support would you want from others?
Numeracy: In mathematics this week we are practicing solving worded math problems. Can I please ask that each student download the app Sumdog onto their iPad.
Art: Can I please ask that each student download the app Pic Collage onto their iPad.
Gardening: Students can start to bring their gardening shoes to school.
Community News
The day before Father’s Day, Mary Murphy took her 3 year old son, Paddy, to the newsagent to pick out a card for his Da. Inside, she showed him the cards and asked him to pick one. Paddy was picking up one card after another, opening them up and quickly shoving them back into slots. “Paddy, what are ya doing?” Mary asked.
“Haven’t you found a nice card for your Da yet?”
“No”, he replied. “I’m looking for one with money in it.”